YAHM - Yet Another Hack Manager for PalmOS5. Developers info.

Written by Igor Nesterov (C) 2003

Download SDK http://yahm.palmoid.com/yahm_dev.zip

You can ask questions about ARM hack development in yahoo group 'palmnest'.


1.00 (October 13, 2003)


1. YAHM for PalmOS 5. What is it?
2. Native patches. Pros and contras.
3. Development info.
4. Hack resources.
5. 'TRA5' resource.
6. Hack writing.
7. Native API calls.
8. Hack creation with Prc-Tools 2.3
9. Hack creation with CodeWarrior
10. Resources for ARM hacks
11. Samples
12. Version History
13. Author information
14. My other Palm software

1. YAHM for PalmOS 5. What is it?

YAHM is a hack manager for executing native hacks, written in native ARM code.

YAHM for PalmOS 5 based on YAHM hack manager. YAHM works as usual hack manager, running on top of PalmOS 3.x-4.x with m68k code resources. YAHM can't patch m68k syscalls under PalmOS5, like any other 'legacy' hack manager. You can read about hacks and PalmOS5 in excellent article "Hacks on PalmOS 5" by Daniel Seifert at http://www.dseifert.de/hacks/hack5.html.

Instead YAHM offers completely new approach to writing hacks for PalmOS5. This approach allow you to write syscall patches in native ARM code.

2. Native patches. Pros and contras.



3. Development info.

To write hack for PalmOS5 you should learn 3 things:

4. Hack resources.

ARM hacks looks like old-style hacks. It is resource database with type 'HACK'. Resources:

5. 'TRA5' resource.

This resource hold info about 'armc' resource with appropriate resource index. Resource contains structure (with m68k byte order!):

struct ArmTrapInfo{
	UInt32 baseTableOffset; // offset of table from R9 (without negative sign)
	UInt32 offset;		// offset into table
	UInt32 thumb;		// 0 for ARM code, 1 for thumb code 
	UInt32 zero0;		// should be zero
	UInt32 zero1;		// should be zero
Following sample show declaration of 'TRA5' resource in PilRC file.

HEX "TRA5" ID 1000 
	00 00 00 12 
	00 00 02 04
	00 00 00 00
	00 00 00 00
	00 00 00 00
This is declaration for FrmCustomAlert syscall. This syscall calls as

LDR	R12, [R9,-12]
LDR	PC, [R12,#516]

Complete list of syscalls you can found in file SysTables.txt inside archive.

12 encoded in the first word and 516 == 0x204 in second word. Note, that keyword HEX in pilrc doesn't interpret all bytes inside as hex, you should use prefix 0x for it.

6. Hack writing.

No changes from old hacks. You should write them in classic style.

#include <standalone.h>
#include "../Include/endianutils.h"
#include "../Include/os5.h"
#include <palmos.h>
#define RESID 1000

typedef UInt32 (*pfnFrmCustomAlert)(UInt32 alertId, const char * s1, const char * s2, const char * s3);

UInt32 MyFrmCustomAlert1(UInt32 alertId, char * s1, const char * s2, const char * s3){
	pfnFrmCustomAlert oldTrap;

	if (alertId == 11730){ //turn on beam receive after beaming.
		return 1;

	FtrGet('BEAM', RESID, (UInt32 *)&oldTrap);
	return oldTrap(alertId, s1, s2, s3);
This is example of hack, that turns off nasty dialog "Do you want to turn beam on now?".

7. Native API calls.

You can use PalmOS SDK headers to make native API calls. Just link each hack code with libarmboot.a and libarmui.a. There are some diffirences in API:

8. Hack creation with Prc-Tools 2.3

Prc Tools 2.3 has excellent ARM support. ARM hack creation very similar to old style hacks creation.

arm-palmos-gcc -Wall -Wno-multichar -fshort-enums -fpack-struct -O1  -DMY_CRID='BEAM' -nostartfiles \ 
	-c -o code03e8.o code03e8.c
arm-palmos-gcc -O2 -Wall -nostartfiles -o code03e8 code03e8.c libarmboot.a libarmui.a
build-prc --no-check-resources -o NoBeamDialog.prc -n "NoBeamDialog" \
	 -c BEAM -t 'HACK' NoBeamDialog.ro code03e8

9. Hack creation with CodeWarrior

Cedi Caksana make SyncInfoHack with CW 9.2, hack for changing SyncName. With Cedi permission SyncInfoHack sources was included into YAHM SDK. Hack project for CW is very similar to project for legacy hack.

10. Resources for ARM hacks

PilRC has switch -LE32 for 32-bit little endian resource compilation. All resources, you want to use from hack should be compiled with this switch. About and Configure box should be compiled as usual resources. You can take Pilrc 3.0 alpha from CVS here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pilrc/

11. Samples

Archive includes some simple hacks with sources.

12. Version History

13. Author information

Feel free to send bugreports and suggestions to me. Web page: http://yahm.palmoid.com
Email: support@palmoid.com

14. My other Palm software